Thursday, May 10, 2012

1:37 AM - No comments


In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, encapsulation refers to a range of techniques used to enclose medicines in a relatively stable shell known as a capsule, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally. Uniformity weight of capsule maybe different between one and the other. Many kind to know Determination of uniformity capsule weight. Here is one way to know  Determination of Uniformity Capsule Weight, it's showed from steps right below.

I. Scope

Work instructions are used for determining uniformity weight traditional medicine capsules.

II. The requirements

No more than 2 capsules, each of which weight it deviates from the average weight of the contents more than the price specified in column A and and no one capsule contents  deviates from the average weight of the contents more than the price specified in column B.

Average weight
contents of the capsule
Deviation from
the average weight of contents
120 mg or
more/less than 120 mg
± 10 %
   ± 17,5 %
± 15%
± 20%

III. Tools and Sample

 -  Analytical scales ( Precisa )

- Traditional medicine capsules

III. Procedure

  - Taken sample ( traditional medicine capsules ) as many 20 capsules
  - Weighed one by one capsule (shell + content)
  - Remove powder (capsule contents), then weighed capsule shells one by one
  - Calculated contents of the capsule ( capsule weight - shell weight )
  - Repeat the determination of the 19 capsule and calculate the average weight of the contents of 20 capsules

These are our way  to know determinantion of uniformity capsule weight, we used this in our laboratory college.


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